The Daily Business Show Taking RVA by Storm
The Partnership Guru, Mike King is the CEO of MIKEKINGBIZ a Social Enterprise cutting edge brand media firm. Our goal is to assist organizations with services to increase revenue and brand exposure. We help our clients achieve their goals by using the power of effective partnerships, technology and various media platforms.
The MIKEKINGBIZRADIO networks reaches approximately 35,000 listeners daily. Our flagship program "On The MIC With MIKE RVA" is highly acclaimed and airs 5-7am daily on ESPN Richmond. MIKEKINGBIZRADIO offers a platform to other community and business owners the ability to have their own radio show. We also donate airtime daily to community and nonprofit organizations. Over the past two years, MIKEKINGBIZ donated over 50,000 minutes of free airtime to nonprofit and business organizations in the local, metro Richmond community.
MIKEKINGBIZ is a social enterprise business with the mission of showcasing how business can help society be better. How do we do this? The power of the media, The Partnership Power Posse, and strategic alliances.
The Partnership Power Posse is the MIKEKINGBIZ ecosystem that can help you achieve desired marketing results.
Mike got his start in radio in 2019 on conservative radio station WJFN in Richmond, VA. IN 2021, Mike moved to ESPN Richmond as the host of Mike on Mic RVA. Mike on the Mic RVA is an award-winning radio show and the only daily business show in the Richmond market. It is ranked 54 out of 215 different markets.